Silence of the herbs

Not being able to over-exert myself due to my dodgy heart has been a pain in the arse, but at the same time it has some benefits. I’ve found plenty of spare time for gardening. Getting your hands dirty out in the vegie patch is great fun, and very relaxing. It’s easy just to have my mind wander off while I’m weeding or watering. Now hold on, I hear you say. Isn’t gardening a woman’s job? Well yes, I guess technically it is. But there is a very good reason why the lady of this house doesn’t do the gardening. Let me tell you why…..
It was a long long time ago, in a place far far away (well actually it was only last year), when I had to go to Austria for work (and play!) for two weeks. I left Yvette in charge of watering the herbs, which of course she didn’t do the entire time that I was away. The day before I returned home she got into a massive panic, and hurriedly cleaned the house. She also remembered the herbs, and went to check on them. Noticing that there were some weeds, she kindly pulled them all up! When I got home, I immediately went to my beloved herb garden, and found entire rows of baby coriander plants lying withered on the top of the soil. Someone had mistaken two neat straight rows of coriander plants as weeds!! Suffice to say, Yvette has been confined to indoor duties ever since!
I find that as a rather sexest coment Rog. Gardening hasnot ever been classified as a womans job, mostly cause a lawn mower will never start for a female and mowing the lawns is part of gardening. In my family my father always took care of the gardens (vegie garden mostly) while my mother took care of most things inside the house. Although at times they both helped each other our. I enjoy gardening but I would never have considered it to be my job/duty to tend the gardens just because i'm female.
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