Update from Rog's Bedside
Rog is up and on his feet walking around abit, but he still has to take it very easy. So, blogging, being the intense activity it is, would be too tiring for him for now. Still, he can't bear to be away from his blog for too long. He thinks his blog and his fans will fall apart if they don't hear from him. (He doesn't believe me when I tell him his visitor count has increased since I started blogging - readers are wanting more of the super-talented Yvette). So he dictates an update which I have to type up verbatim:
Things I’ve learnt to hate about my surgery:
- Intubation tube
- Constant pain
- Numerous tubes hanging out of my body
- Complete loss of modesty (back-less hospital gown and wee-bottle)
Things I’ve learnt to enjoy:
- My fixed heart
- Topnotch care from excellent staff
- PCAM – patient controlled analgesia of morphine
- Pay TV – Lifestyle channel
- Love and support from my many world wide followers
Things I’ve learnt to hate about my surgery:
- Intubation tube
- Constant pain
- Numerous tubes hanging out of my body
- Complete loss of modesty (back-less hospital gown and wee-bottle)
Things I’ve learnt to enjoy:
- My fixed heart
- Topnotch care from excellent staff
- PCAM – patient controlled analgesia of morphine
- Pay TV – Lifestyle channel
- Love and support from my many world wide followers
Loving the blogs from super-talented and multi-tasking Yvette, Rog can chill knowing that Yvette can type... he can keep an eye out for cute medical professionals for me...
HR Professional
Ok, let's not assume all HR professionals are IT idiots, I am just not as advanced as some other people are..
Woohoo, I got the "XXX said" thingie works...
PS The certain IT Professional in UK - laugh all you want... ;p
For a moment I thought you were havin a conversation with yourself! Thanks for being a Yvette-fan, I was fishing for compliments.. yay!
It's has been known that one does occasionally speak to oneself... It's only appropriate that Yvette has fans now she is the one who is updating the blog... Oh yeah, it's actually Rog's blog... let's big him up as well... Go Roggie Go... How's is Mr Big Heart the Blongmister doing?
Hey, hadn't visisted the blog in a while, glad to read he's ok.
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