Saturday, October 21, 2006

Supporting hands

Today it's sunny and bright, which lifts my spirits somewhat. I feel confident enough to apply pressure on my right leg and almost walk properly. I'm walking up and down the house to exercise.

Mum and dad have been awesome. Mum calls again this morning, and tells me I better not eat too much otherwise i'll get fat because i'm not exercising. I laugh at the irony - if she didn't give me so much food then I wouldn't be getting fat!

My brother calls this morning to see how i'm doing. It's so nice to hear his voice - he's overseas working at the moment. I tell him that maybe my lack of atheletic endurance when I was younger was due to my faulty heart. He tells me it was just because i was fat and lazy - thanks! It will be good to see his face again soon.

Yvette has taken my present condition into consideration, and changed out of the sexy french maid outfit and into a clown outfit! Her first joke for the day, "If you are walking up and down anyway, why don't you go get me some soy sauce, a small bowl and some chopsticks?" Looks like my days of receiving sympathy are over for now - I think i'll start calling her Krusty!

She leaves me a list of things I can and can't do. The list of cans is not so big - blog, eat, sleep, carry phone at all times, eat, sleep. That's about it. Personally I think there is a conspiracy to get me fat!!

I've received lots of emails and blog comments from friends from everywhere - thanks to all of you for your support!

While the sun is still out I think i'll go for a walk around the house.


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