Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Magic Weight Loss Diet

In one of my earlier posts I described one of the joys of being Australian-Chinese, taking onboard Chinese traditions into everyday life. I’m referring to the restrictive recovery diet. Basically the Chinese classify foods as being dok (poison), or being heaty or cooling (and not in the chilli sense of heat). So basically, after my surgery I’m not to eat any foods that are any of these. Red meat is considered poison (why it’s poison only after surgery, but not before, is a complete mystery). I’ve learnt that eggs are not to be eaten post-surgery or they will make my wound pus. Apparently, my mom’s twin sister’s sister-in-law ate eggs after her surgery and her’s became pussy! (eww, on both accounts!). I am allowed to eat chicken, but in addition to only being able to eat female chickens, they also aren’t allowed to have laid eggs before. Fish is ok, but only fish that have scales (I thought all fish had scales, apparently not). Basically, it’s looking like I’m going to be left on a diet of fruit and vegetables! I have a feeling that I am going to lose some serious weight on this diet!! And it’s going to be expensive – the only fruit I eat is bananas, and they are selling for more than $11 per kg at the moment!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fish without scales would be shark/flake.

2:40 PM  

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