Sunday, November 12, 2006

Antiseptic Bathing

Part of the instructions that I received during the pre-operation preparation was that I need to shower with a special antiseptic soap the day prior to going into hospital. The soap actually comes with some instructions. Basically the key areas that require special washing are nose, face, armpit, bellybutton, groin and bum. It is highlighted several times that special attention should be paid to folds of skin - at least I don't have any of those around my tum tum.

It's not surprising that we have lots of germs growing in these areas, but i'm wondering just how effective this bodywash is? I'm debating whether I should be showering three or four times a day, and just how far up my cavities I need to wash?

Obviously they are worried about infections, and they're trying to kill off potential sources of bugs. I notice myself picking my nose with my finger as I'm typing, looks like it's a bad habit that needs to stop while i'm in hospital! I'm also concerned, because I think I have something growing between my toes, so I douse my feet with the antispetic soap as well. And what about my visitors to hospital? I hope that they have some sort of anti-bug washing before they come to see me!


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