Life with meds

I've always laughed at Americans and their medications. They seem to be a country addicted to meds! They have drugs for everything - I mean hello, a drug that you can take that makes you lose weight, and you don't have to exercise, change your diet or anything else in your life??? Its on par with the belt that you wear around your stomach that sends electrical pulses to the muscles so that you lose weight while you sit on your fat arse watching tv and eating popcorn!!
And the television ads for drugs in America - you seriously wouldn't know they were for drugs. Scenes of beautiful people prancing through fields of green grass filled with daisys. If this is how you want your life to be, all you need is to take this drug.......
America talks about illicit drugs being a global epidemic, when really it's their addiction to prescription drugs that is really scary.
Rather ironically, after my rant and rave, I find myself living the American prescription drug dream. While I only have a small collection so far, i'm sure that this will increase......
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